
Acting Governor of West Sulawesi (Sulbar) Bahtiar Baharuddin, together…

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작성자 Kami
댓글 0건 조회 4회 작성일 24-07-03 20:32


081865500_1711511011-20240327-Anies_Imin_Sidang_PHPU-ANG_3.jpgSyaikhu highlighted that PKS is a cadre party with a mandate to foster and refresh political leadership. Therefore, he said, in the 2024 Pilkada, his party will nominate members to compete as regional head candidates. "Especially in base areas where PKS is the dominant party or holds the majority of DPRD seats. PKS will make every effort to endorse its own cadres as candidates," said Syaikhu.

Among the few who consulted with the Jakarta KPU, only one pair submitted the necessary support documents by the deadline on Sunday night (10/5/2024). Previously, several names had consulted with the Jakarta KPU, including Dharma Pongrekun (Deputy Head of BSSN 2019-2021), Sudirman Said (Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources 2014-2016), Noer Fajrieansyah (Commissioner of PT Petrokimia Gresik), and Poempida Hidayatullah (Member of Parliament 2012-2014). From these names, only one pair seriously pursued the candidacy and submitted the required support documents to the Jakarta KPU. They are the pair Dharma Pongrekun and Kun Wardana.

051272500_1706668280-WhatsApp_Image_2024-01-30_at_18.24.06.jpegKPU RI Chairman Hasyim Asy’ari said that the Information Recapitulation System (Sirekap), claimed to be a vote counting aid during the 2024 Election, will be used again for the 2024 Regional Elections. Since the election and regional election models differ, a new design is being developed. "Sirekap is planned to be used for the 2024 Regional Elections because initially, Sirekap was first used in the 2020 Regional Elections. The design and so on are being prepared," said Hasyim at the DPR RI, quoted on Thursday (16/5/2024).

Usep explained that independent candidates actually emerge as a critique of the party system mandated to recruit candidates in regional elections. However, some view the party system as still undemocratic and thus challenged it in the Constitutional Court (MK) and won. "In practice, many independent candidates fail in terms of electability. Furthermore, independent candidates lack party support in parliament, which is crucial for implementing various programs," Usep stated. Usep added that independent candidates must be financially robust and well-networked, besides competing against party candidates with party machinery. "Party-nominated candidates are usually one step ahead because of the party machinery supporting them. Unless an independent candidate is highly popular and well-connected, it is difficult," he remarked.

Betty explained that the KPU also issued the policy for using Sirekap. However, the KPU will present the Sirekap format to Commission II of the House of Representatives (DPR RI) regarding its use in the regional elections. "The KPU regulations and policies will be presented first. They can provide input as usual, no problem," she explained.

[vidio:VIDEO: If Ordered by the NasDem Chairman, Ahmad Sahroni is Ready to Run in the Jakarta Gubernatorial Election](https://www.vidio.com/watch/8245529-jika-diperintahkan-ketum-nasdem-ahmad-sahroni-siap-maju-di-pilgub-dki-jakarta-liputan-6)

Head of PKS A. Syaikhu detailed the reasons for nominating Anies-Sohibul Iman for the Jakarta election in 2024. Anies is seen as a competent leader during his time leading Jakarta. According to Syaikhu, Anies' tenure has brought happiness to Jakarta residents. "Mr. Anies Rasyid Baswedan effectively worked as the governor from 2017-2022 with various achievements in multiple sectors of progress, advancing the city and delighting its citizens," said Syaikhu at the commencement of the School of Party Leadership at the Grand Sahid Jaya Hotel, Central Jakarta, on Tuesday (25/6/2024). Meanwhile, Sohibul Iman, Syaikhu noted, is a scholar with a proven track record in government. "Mr. Sohibul Iman is a technical expert and a scholar who was the president of Paramadina University. He served in the parliament as Deputy Speaker of the DPR RI for the 2013-2014 term and also served as the president of PKS from 2015-2020," clarified Syaikhu.

Syaikhu mentioned that PKS needs to build communication with other political parties (parpol) including NasDem to meet the requirements for nominating a governor and deputy governor in the Jakarta Pilkada. "PKS realizes it cannot nominate a candidate alone in the Pilkada because the number of seats we have does not yet meet the requirement to nominate independently, we only have 18 seats, while the requirement is 22. So we still need 4 more seats," he stated. After NasDem, PKS will soon build communication with the Chairman of the National Awakening Party (PKB), Muhaimin Iskandar, or Cak Imin to build a coalition in the Jakarta Pilkada. "InsyAllah in the coming time I will also try to communicate with PKB, with Cak Imin," he said.

PKS Calls on NasDem and PKB to Back Anies-Sohibul Iman Syaikhu plans to invite other political parties to support the Anies Baswedan-Sohibul Iman pair in the Jakarta election 2024. Syaikhu stated that his party is short of the necessary seats to nominate the governor and vice governor candidates in the Jakarta Pilkada. "Therefore, we have already communicated with our coalition partners from the national election," said

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